I walked on quickly, my stilletto heels clicking on the pavement.
As a male I was very much a second class member of society. hundreds of years ago some major transformation had changed the world. Females had become stronger and more powerful and, so the history books tell us, males had become subjugated almost slaves to the superior females.
So here I am made up and dressed in the classic male way to please my female superiors.
I have no rights and am conditioned to serve and obey women.
Men are not allowed by law to wear trousers at any time and the law requires that our little peenies must be restrained at all times. The keys to single males restraining devices held by the local department for male affairs. This department has offices in every town. Once a month I and every other single male have to report to a female supervisor who ensures my monthly milking cycle is carried out.
It is a humiliating process. Naked I have to stand in a line with other males. Our peenies are attached to a tube which is electrically controlled to vibrate until we have been drained of all our semen buit up over the month.We are left with very sore peenies.
If a male is a wife or in the service of a suitable female then they hold the key to their release.
Males hold no postions of responsibility in Society, carrying out only jobs that are menial and require little thought.
We are also subjected to constant harrassment and humiliation but in some ways just accept that it is part of being a man.
At work in the bar, I accept that I am going to have female hands caressing me under my skirt, that my bottom will be pinched and squeezed and I will often be pulled on to the lap of a drunken woman who will use me whether I like it or not.
As I turned off the main road into a dark side road I saw a gang of about six women in front of me. They turned as they heard my heels,
I sighed to myself at the thought of the coming torment.